The show is open to bikes of 30-year vintage or older, so my 1986 Honda VFR700F just made the cut. And I just made the show; I literally put the finishing touches on the bike the night before. I decided to trailer to the show (no current plates or insurance) and arrived about 30 minutes before the 10:00am designated show start. I found a nearby parking spot, unloaded, and rode the half-block to the show. Taking up my spot in the Japanese section, I got a coffee and started snooping around....
(Below) The show is in the block to the right in this photo.

Only one other V4 was in attendance — this VF700. The photo doesn't show much of the, ahh, patina which graced this example. This bike was a year older than mine, so that officially made the VFR the newest bike here.

And here's a nice old police Moto Guzzi flanked by two very pretty Laverdas.
The BMW R100GS was impeccably restored. I couldn't see a single flaw, and I looked closely. It was so perfectly clean I don't know how he even rode it to the event. It should've been parked on the other side of the street.