Where: Peoria, Illinois area
Why: Completely refurbed beauty
Price: $5500
While perusing my daily RareSportBikesForSale (.com) email feed, I was pleasantly surprised by this black beauty, offered by Brian F., a VFR-isti I "met" some time ago via this site.
Brian has gone balls out with this project, as the description and photos will attest in the RSBFS Featured Listing. His attention to detail and commitment to offering a quality bike is impressive, with a full mechanical and cosmetic refurbishment; "cleaned commutator and brushes on the radiator fan." I think that gives a clear picture of the lengths Brian went to on this unique VFR. The original paint isn't black — the Granite Blue Metallic was a one-year color in the U.S. It first appears black, but at just the right angle, sunlight will show subtle shades of blue with a tinge of purple in the decals.
RSBFS's write-up is spot on; here's a sample:
"When you look back at the bikes you could have owned – or maybe did own, but let slip away – many will dream of the unobtainable collector machines built in small numbers and high prices. But when you look back on the bikes you could have owned to ride, then the list changes significantly. Gone are the torture racks, the rolling stock full of NOS parts never to be found again, or the odd and unique (but not very practical) imports. Instead you would look back at the best all around bikes in history – and come to a singular conclusion: the Honda VFR750F. Here is a bike that can do it ALL – from canyon riding and track days to touring, exploring and commuting. The VFR has long been a do everything exceptionally well type of mount."
Brian is asking $5500 for his VFR. I will tell you that, even at my bargain shop rate of $40/hour, I would have all of that and more just in parts and labor to duplicate this bike…plus the cost of the bike itself. The third-gen VFRs may not have the collector panache of some '90s bikes, but this one is special. Check out the link for more details or, better yet, give Brian a shout:
[email protected]