Next is a thorough cleaning with a water-based degreaser followed by a general sudsing with a kitchen detergent, like Dawn, and a hot water rinse. The finning is gently scrubbed with a soft brush. I then blow dry the whole thing with compressed air and sand any rusty spots on the steel grill cover.
(Below) I'm left with a nice, clean assembly — a big improvement from what we began with. We could stop at this point but I want to take this all the way, so….
I'm going to spend about a half-hour to carefully straighten the delicate finning with a small straight-blade screwdriver, front and rear. This is not just cosmetics, it will help air flow and cooling efficiency.

(Below) I like to let the parts cure for a few days before reassembly. The fan is bolted into place after cleaning and applying dielectric grease to the ground and temp sender connections.
The finished product will pretty up this project, just one of the many little things that make up the whole.