For the upgraded forks crowd, here's a complete billet steering stem setup for 41mm forks. The seller refers to these as replicas of the HRC parts from the VFR racing glory days. Adaptable to clip-ons or handlebars. These appear to be used items, but the seller doesn't specify.
The auction begins at $601 (USD) or $864 Buy-It-Now plus unspecified shipping costs (the seller cautions that his shipping costs are kinda high). I don't profess to know the value of something like this, but that looks like a chuck of money to me.
Clicking on "See Other Items" in the listing, we find that our seller has several more 2d-gen items listed, also at premium prices...a nice-looking set of side fairings (BIN $244+), an average seat cowl ($244+), a set of turn signals ($83+) and a set of NOS brake/shift pedals ($150+) plus a few additional items......

.....like this set of petcocks listed as "Joey Dunlop RVF magnesium petcock set" from HRC. I have no idea how these would be authenticated, but they can be yours for $526+.