While enroute to New Glarus I came upon this surprise gas price in Janesville WI; below $4. Later that evening, on the return drive, it was even lower at $3.86. Interestingly, everywhere else on my travels that day prices were about $4.30. And, back home in Illinois, you can add about $.75 per gallon thanks to the state's higher fuel taxes.
The Driftless Area offers endless rural roads with light (often non-existent) traffic, hills, curves and long, pastoral views. I sometimes map out a route, but it's just a suggestion and deviations are common. Every intersection offers another teasing road curving off into the hills. This is Amish country, their clip-clopping buggies and neatly dressed children waving from grassy lawns adding to the charm of the ride. Just watch your lane positioning — their "horse emissions" can be a slippery surprise.