It would never do to mount this piece on this minty VFR refurbishment without doing our best to bring it back to its glory. The aluminum muffler itself is scuffed, scratched and dulled from years of neglect, and its connector pipe is surface rusted. The mounting strap has rubbed a scar into the aluminum but the "Yoshimura" nameplate is in great condition. Aluminum is forgiving, so I know we can perform a little magic on this piece.
The sequence I'll use is:
• A thorough cleaning
• De-rust the connector pipe
• Repair the bruises in the aluminum
• Sand & polish the aluminum
• Paint the connector pipe
Lacking a media blaster, I attack the rust mechanically with a rotary brush followed by a soak in gel rust remover. Two applications of the gel together with wire brushing gets me a rust-free surface. I don't want to apply paint at this point as it will be handled a lot during the aluminum work, so I'll save painting for the final step.
(click on an image to enlarge)