The auction listing at left is a headlight fairing for the '86-87 VFR. This is a typical piece as supplied from AirTECH — the mounting holes and headlight opening would need to be added by the purchaser. As such, the fairing could be used either for competition or as a replacement part, albeit with some mounting fabrication required. AirTECH's price is $168.
AirTECH supplies parts for nearly all the generations of VFRs, beginning with the VF models and extending to the VFR, RC30 and RC45, plus generic fairings for a custom build. I'm not sure about shipping charges, as the ordering process is limited to phone orders. I have a set of used AirTECH mid-fairings — the fairings are very flexible and lightweight. The company only states that their products are manufactured with the "best tried and true aircraft composites." For a track bike, these are a no-brainer; for the street they may be a viable option when original components are hard to find, like the mid fairings for the third-gen VFRs. Check 'em out.