But this isn't the worst of it. These creatures urinate where they live, and gravity moves the toxic mess downward into the carbs, freezing the butterfly valves and sticking the plastic slides in place.
This carb set is currently enjoying a long soak in a tub of PineSol, followed by a bath in the ultrasonic cleaner.

The crud even found its way into the intake runners. This quickly dissolved with a spray of PB Blaster.

And here's an example of what alcohol-laced fuel can do when left to marinate inside our carbs. This photo shows hardened varnish deposits on the plastic slide and jet needle.

Too often, issues like these are the beginning of the end for otherwise healthy bikes. The low-speed jets get gummed up, the bike runs worse and worse, gets ridden less and less, and ends up parked in the corner of the garage behind that '84 Camaro project that you're never going to get to.
- Recycle fuel by riding our bikes regularly!
- If you can't keep fresh fuel in your system, then be sure there's a fuel stabilizer added at all times, like Sta-Bil or my favorite, Star Tron (stupid name, good product).
- Drain your carb bowls when stored.
- Keep your fuel tank full when stored.
- Ride your bike! (did I already list that?)