I had to do some searching for the gold reproduction decal kit. I finally found a supplier in the UK, but their trim scheme differs from the U.S., with the tail light fairing reading "750F" as opposed to our "Interceptor" script. I took a shot, emailed the supplier and they were happy to print me out a batch of three sets with the "Interceptor" script added.
Applying decals can be tricky, especially with the red/white/blue sets, as they're pretty large — air bubbles are more of problem with the larger size. But these gold sets are smaller, so a little easier. I use the wet method, spraying the body part and the back of the decal with a water/soap solution which allows repositioning the decal before a final wipe with the squeegee.
In the photo above I'm deciding where to place the mid-fairing decal while using the computer photo in the background as a guide. After a thorough squeegeeing the face paper can be carefully peeled away. The decals are left for a few days for the liquid to evaporate from under the decal and can then be clear coated, if desired.
(click on a image to enlarge)
(click on an image to enlarge)