At 50 miles the pump began to seep fuel and very soon after the pump motor operated but no pumping action. Stick with K&L:
The OEM fuel pumps for our carbureted VFRs have been unavailable for years. When Project 41 was found to be in need of a pump replacement, I had to come up with a solution. Checking my stash of old OEM pumps I found nothing useable, and didn't want to experiment with the Chinese replacements, but I thought this eBay pump might be worth a try. A seller in Poland offers these for $61, including shipping. The brand is MTM, from Germany, and they've been making fuel pumps since 1989. The size and shape looked right in the photos, the fuel tubes have the needed 90° curves, and there's a 2-wire connector. I ordered one and it arrived within ten days.
(Below) Looking it over, I noted two installation issues. The MTM has a male electrical connector and the Gen-2 needs a female (you'll find the same issue if you're adapting a later model VFR fuel pump to the Gen-2). No worries, I snipped off the correct connector from my selection of junk OEM pumps and soldered in place. Note that the MTM's black wire is ground and Honda's grounds are always green. I add some heat shrink and later wrap it all in electrical tape.