The issues here were that the nacelle was stained and faded over the years, and the lens was beginning to cloud. After disassembly, I was able to gently polish out both with Meguiar's Ultimate Compound. I had to be very careful with the nacelle as each pass would leave blue color on the cloth, meaning I was removing paint, but I eventually got it back to a beautiful gloss finish. The lens clouding turned out to be mostly on the inside surface which also responded well. I finished with a ceramic polish on those surfaces and, after a general cleaning of the rest of the assembly including the fuse connections, it was ready for installation.

One sign of your assemblies needing cleaning is a sluggish turn signal switch, which this bike had. I spray the insides with aerosol electronic cleaner and re-lubricate with dabs of silicone grease, where appropriate.
Remount the assemblies, route the wires and cables, and call these small tasks finished.

Next, I'll deal with the brake components.