Our first day began eastward via rolling and climbing back roads through early morning fog patches, turning the dense forest ride into a serene and slightly eerie adventure. Not much was passed through the Sena headsets as we both lost ourselves in the mist.
(click on an image to enlarge)

One of the perks of traveling is finding good food.

Day two found us southbound on Route 23, a beautiful four-lane eventually delivering us into Virginia. Breaking off onto Route 160 we pass through the burg of Appalachia and wind up the gorgeous switchbacks to pass back into Kentucky at the state's highest point, Black Mountain. This road was virtually void of traffic and a genuine treat to ride on a perfect day. At Cumberland we turn west via open and fast Route 119, eventually joining Route 92 into Williamsburg. Jumping onto Route 25 we go north to join Route 90, westbound through the Daniel Boone National Forest. This road is another two-wheeled treat and we stop at a scenic pull-off where a wood carver is selling his custom and varied walking sticks. We chat with him to get a sense of the area's flavor. Note the Glock .45 on his hip. This is open carry country.