Project 14 is being fitted with its new clothes and that means preparing a set of infill panels — the plastic covers between the fuel tank and side fairings.
This is what I'll need to deal with =>

I began by hand sanding but decided chemical stripper would be much more efficient. It was.
Note the electrical switch hole which will need to be patched.

After stripping the left panel here's how it looked. The original blue color of this '87 F2 piece can't be saved after all it's been through, but that's okay because patching the hole in the right side will necessitate painting in any case. Also, Project 14 will be wearing red/white/blue bodywork so these panels need to be black.

The plan for patching the switch hole involves filling it with either of two types of plastic.
On the left I've plastic-welded a plug of ABS and on the right (another panel repair) I've used a liquid plastic product called Plast-Aid. I wish guys would stop drilling holes in these panels.

Either will work fine and both need basic body work to finish — grind/sand the plug flat and finish with body filler.

This panel is ready for paint. It's too cold for that so it will wait for another day.
Next up, mirrors.