Over the winter months many emails were exchanged and many decisions were made as to the direction and extent of the build. First up was to get the bike running, beginning with the carburetors and basic tuning. Along the way it was discovered that someone had installed the starter clutch incorrectly causing the ignition timing to be 90-degrees off. Once we had a running engine the rest of the systems could be dealt with....one by one. Ebay parts arrived regularly as did OEM Honda bits. Stripping, painting, polishing, powder coating, fitting and fidgeting.
Slowly the project took shape. Charles added a few custom touches — white piping on the refurbished seat, gold-colored braided brake lines, along with lowered handlebars with aftermarket grips. Choosing the color was surely a tough decision for Charles, and he eventually settled on a Mazda color, Phantom Purple, a dead ringer for the original Candy Maroon. The gorgeous paint work was applied by Steve and the crew at Steve Nick Customs in Woodstock, Illinois and the custom covered seat is by Marty and Marie at C. M. Wiltberger Upholstery of Silver Lake, WI. They are the icing on this cake.
I wish Charles many happy miles on his stunning Magna.
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