This particular Kerker has muffler pipes which are grafted onto the stock VFR header collectors, an unusual approach which saved the manufacturer lots of design work while assuring the end user a system that fits correctly.
(Below) After a thorough degreasing/cleaning I begin this process with the aluminum mufflers. The more severe rash is gently ground smooth with the help of a die grinder with medium scuff pad in place, followed by lots of hand sanding using progressive grades of grit. In the middle photo corrosive pock marks are visible, and I want these gone...more sanding. I finish with an 800-grit and, in this case, a gray painters' scuff pad to give the finish a brushed look. During the muffler work I'll need to handle the black steel pipes so I wait till I'm finished with the mufflers before the high-heat paint is applied. The pipes could also be powder or ceramic coated, but here I chose spray paint because I like the original look it provides. The flat black will be rubbed out in a few days to give it a nice factory sheen.
(click on an image to enlarge)