I also have digital copies of various manuals on hand, but I'm old school so I like the real thing sitting on the shelf. Here's some of my manuals….
Selecting that $30 as an approximate upper price, I did a quick search on eBay for VFR manuals and show some current listings below.

M/C Workshop Practice Techbook
Whether you're a beginner or been playing with motorcycles for years, here's a great handbook to fill in knowledge gaps, provide best-practice reminders or give a novice a good reference on many jobs you'll face. Use this alongside a model-specific service manual and you'll have many of your questions answered while gaining a chunk of confidence as you learn this new skill set.
And it's from Haynes, who've been at this game a long time. Not cheap, but I found a very good price at Walmart.com, of all places — click on the image for the link. You may find a used copy on eBay, as well.
And, here's a link to Web Bike World's review.

Honda Common Service Manual
This publication from Honda is a sort of "fill in the blanks" guide of general and specific repair practices recommended for their products. The model-specific service manual will sometimes reference this manual during a task, like assembling transmission components, for example, as well as a host of very helpful general maintenance procedures, from chassis to electrical and much more.
Available in various publication dates in print, new & used, on eBay and Amazon for about $30 and up, depending upon condition and vintage. There's some bootleg digital editions floating about also.
A great learning tool and practical shop guide.

Modern Motorcycle Technology - Edward Abdo
I'm not personally familiar with this publication, as it is used as a school text. I suspect it would be a good introduction for the novice owner who wants to get his/her hands dirty with their bike. Subjects range from history to maintenance procedures to troubleshooting specific systems.
It can be found new and used on eBay and Amazon for $5 and up, depending upon the edition. Amazon offers it in hardcover and Kindle editions.