At the risk of dating myself and sounding like a Grumpy Old Man, the Slimey Crud used to be, well, more interesting. You were expected to have a ride that was unique in some way, or at least old. These days you can't swing a dead cat without hitting yet another black Harley surrounded by black-clad "riders" swilling beer. I had to follow a gaggle of these weekend pirates into Leland, WI and none of 'em seemed to have the concept of cornering, braking or any other basic motorcycle skill. But they sure were loud.
Anyway, rant over. In line with the general decline in quality of bikes, I find fewer and fewer V4 Hondas in attendance each passing year. The pristine VFR800 pictured above was an exception, and I'll bet it sounds awesome with that Delkevic exhaust.

Parked in formation were these two red Honda STs — first and second generation.
A good day.
(video at bottom of post)