The original slider (lower) was found to be missing three of its four attach points along with half of the lower guard itself. The part is NLA from Honda but I was lucky to find a very nice used replacement on eBay, complete with new mounting hardware, which would come in handy. When I saw the applied thread locker on the replacement screws, I got a bad feeling about removing the four existing screws, in place since 1993. My fears were justified, as none of the screws would budge with a screwdriver, despite my best efforts.

(Below) My approach was to soak the screws overnight with penetrating fluid and next day heat the screws with a mild flame, then gently work each screw loose in a back-and-forth motion with a vice grip. It worked, but the threads were tenacious, requiring the vice grip for every turn till the screw was out. The upper forward screw holds a metal bracket which wouldn't allow the vice grip to seat on the screw head, so I had to tear the bracket free, bit by bit, then work the stubborn screw. This project wasn't done with me yet, as the new screws wanted the swing arm threads to be tapped before they would allow themselves to be seated without undue force. In the end I would win this little battle, and our "new" chain guard will do its job — hopefully for a long, long time.