The tread looks great — these tires probably have only 1000 miles on them.
But...they have a manufacturer's date stamp of 374, which translates to the 37th week of a year ending in 4...of the last millennium. The bike was made in '86, so that means that these tires are from 1994, a bit past their best-by date.
They're Metzeler ME55A Metronic, a mod-sounding model I've never heard of. In any case they're off to the trash bin, to be replaced with some modern Bridgestone BT-45 rubber.

In this case both are nearly perfect, so I'll remove the disc for refinishing off the wheel, then take the tire in for a mount and balance. I always replace the valve stem as a matter of course, no matter its appearance — too much to risk on a 34-year old chunk of rubber.