Last month reader Tom B. of Boise, ID wrote to tell me how he'd stripped the anodizing from one side of his stained swing arm and then matched the finish to the other, original, side. To preserve the new finish he applied this product, Sharkhide Metal Protectant. I'd never heard of it so I did some interweb research and it looks like the perfect alternative to applying a clear coat paint.
Developed for the marine industry, this magic stuff will protect raw aluminum (and other metals) for years. Their website suggests six years or more for vehicles that are garage-kept with routine cleaning. It ain't cheap; I found the best price at Eastwood at $67 for a quart. But a little goes a long way. I applied it to two sets of foot peg brackets and all the handling involved in remounting the brackets didn't even leave a fingerprint on the finish.
By the way, Tom's technique for saving his swing arm:
"After stripping the factory clear off, I scrubbed the whole swing arm in a bin. Then I took some coarse steel wool dabbed in metal polish and went to work on the right side. The idea was to remove only the oxidation and contaminates, not to shine, so only a little was needed. Then I took a stainless steel welding brush and brushed the bare aluminum to match the left side."
(click on an image to enlarge)